*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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Henri W. Tartt
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio

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The 'Design' of Human Skin Color?

Greetings to you, it's good to be with you again. This morning we have another 'Barn-Burner' to discuss! We have all been raised under what I believe are 'false pretenses!' It is one thing to have a 'natural talent' to get things done or implemented. But it's quite another to be discriminated against for having the describable handicap, (anywhere) of possessing, 'the wrong skin color!' I've written about this problem before, but today divisions seem to be getting 'worse' in reactionary understandings. This problem has arisen out of a (past?) historic Caucasian divisiveness, and a previously uneducated minority lost (for a time) in unguided ignorance! (c.f. 1655-1950) 'Black?' people around the world number in the billions! But not all are African!, (Australia, India, etc.)

The colors 'Black and White' are not Chromatic! Many colors are. The colors, 'Black and White' are 'Achromatic' and contain 'no' dominant hues! Most scientific websites have many chromatic colors listed, but most maintain that Human beings are: Dark Brown, to pale in complexion. Many dominant-looking hues are 'glaringly' prevalent in the world today! But statistically, pure "Black and White" people' do not exist! Factually, dark brown, is 'not' black, and a ' White' complexion, has 'never' been even ' closely' reached! People are 'many' shades of the color 'Brown!' No one is actually 'Black or White!' This is psychology! These 'blindfolded' facts should be realized!

*People are 'Dark, (called Black?) to very Light' (called White?) but they are 'actually' Shades of 'Brown!'*

It is mentally certain that the colors of people now using the term known as 'Black and White' are exaggerated and expressively over-used! So, an exaggeration of an over-used ' w hite' complexion is 'implied' to somehow 'improve' or even 'purify' a less than actual ' w hite' individual! When a less than 'Black' person is 'defiled past' (or beyond) where his natural skin complexion's ability to darken itself can deliver, then this exaggeration psychologically sets him/her-up as a 'Black' person! Which is 'libel' to many, as a form of societal coercion!

"African related people come in 'all' natural skin colors! But 'none' of them is 'Black!'"

This is what happens to all 'Black' people, 'regardless' of their 'natural' skin color! (Which is always 'lighter' than black) It's as though 'someone of import' may be afraid that many will find the darker person more appealing than his 'white' counterpart! This fear is one that should be dealt with on both a historical and existing basis. It's an environmental, not an unequal phenomenon! I personally would not like to think someone 'historically' made a move in this direction, but in a (previously?) racist society, who knows? Historically, being called 'colored' was a great improvement over 'Black! 'Used by teenagers in the 60's, it became popular! The word 'Black' can be an 'evil and spiteful' term! Typically used today (as evil) in over 200 modern languages! Historically speaking, 'all' people are 'one' of the 50 or so, (recorded) shades of 'Brown!' Some Dark, Medium, Light, pale, and very pale!

"The colors 'Black and White', (knowingly) 'unduly separates' the races!"

In a modern world of skin colors, we have what is known as 'natural' skin tones. When light is shined on a 'white' color, it absorbs them. When the same light is shined on a 'black' color it reflects them! So, all we can see is the colors 'Black and white!' 'No division or change!' And therefore, these two colors are inconsequential and 'nonexistent ' as Homo sapiens varied complexions! Because, they have no variation, they cannot be reproduced as skin color in humans genetically, (That's chemistry). These colors, (Both Black and White') throughout history, 'have never existed for a Human skin coloration!'Black and White' are 'not' colors in Physics! Black: (Hex Triplet) #000000 is the 'absence' of color! And White: (Hex Triplett) #FFFFFF, (a combination of blue, red, and green) on T.V. and computer screens. Is reserved (by nature) for the coloration of plants and animals 'other' than the 'Homo sapiens' species. Scientifically proven: 'Black and White' colored races, have 'never' existed on Earth!

"Black and White Skin Color is an Imaginary 'lie!' People are 'not' that different!"

Be that as it may, I will not try and adjust the color of 'White' as a people's 'desired 'skin color! But we should correct this less than accurate accounting of a race of people originally brought here from Africa! They have been 'genetically' mixed and modified (over time) with many other races! (Even if many do not appear so, they are!) Please 'start' to call them either 'Darker Brown, Mixed Breed, or Other', rather than an all-encompassing breed of ('unblack') 'Black People!' These kinds of 'Black People' exist only in a 'separatist's' racist mind, or a confused individual's imagination! 'All' races of'Men and Women' are 'equal, and honorable' in this world! Stay well.

'When it comes to people: The word "Black" *can* be (and many times is) 'degrading!' - J. Tridwell

All the Best,
Henri W. Tartt,
Supervising Chemist &
Chief of Microbiology (Retired)
City of Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Website:*Tartt's Scientific Approach*

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